- first thing.pergi kenduri kawin.memandangkan cuti sekolah bnyklah kenduri kawin sana sini. the first aku pergi masa aku kt klang and satu lagi kat damansara.tapi yg interesting aku rasa yg kat klang.sebab cara dorang agak laen compared to my place and compared to other ceremony yg aku pernah pergi. lauk ala2 masakan kampung which i love. and the best is tempe.mmg best la masakan tempe tuh maklumla org jawa kan.and aku rasa interesting sebab kebanyakannya cakap jawa dan aku xpaham ehhe laju giler dan aku rasa mcm bukan dekat malaysia dah heehhe..itu yg buat dier best sebab suasana tu mmg laen la. the next kenduri dekat alorstar not bad jugak sebab makanan dier and suasana dier kot. balik2 aku cerita pasal makan kan hehe tapi kenduri is all about the food,the room and of course the pengantin.
- the next thing yg aku buat,do some changes in my room.beli cermin baru this time i bought the longest one baru puas ati le nampak from head to toe.dan lekat butterflies yg fake dkat dinding bilik actually this fake butterflies i bought the last 4 year tapi xtaw nak letak kat mane so now i stick up the buterflies at my picture wall..beli new comforter dan fill up new frame dkt blik. change the position of my bed utk dapat aura baru heheh. hmm i love the new look but wont be long in penang so my lil sis will enjoy most of the new stuff i bought..hehe
- shopping..eheh mengisi masa lapang bershopping mmg la satu meditasi yg paling berkesan heehhe..since im going to be an employee..terpaksa la cari baju baru ckit untuk keje..cari mood baru la katakan.bought few pants, and buat satu baju kurung pahang.opps plus kemeja baru.
aku nie dari dulu suka buat kek.buat kek mmg paling senang and the best part kita boleh makan kek tu brapa bnyk yg kita suka and cheaper dan sedap. slalunya kek chocolate la menjadi pilihan and kek yg aku and kakak aku wat agak famous dikalangan cousin dan makcik2.ehehh poyo plak aku nie.okok skarang bukan nak cerita pasal kek tapi roti.aku blajar buat roti.lastly i baked bread. it is called sweet bun. actually during malidur rasul holiday, i when for baking class to learn how to bake bread with my aunties and my cousin. it was fun and after 3 hours of waiting,waallaaa siap sudah roti buatan sendiri hehehe..ok so when back to penang and i made my own roti dan berjaya hhahaha..oowh i do learned how to baked roti boy..hehe.buat roti pun sebenarnya tak susah dan roti buatan sendiri tahan lebih lama compared to yg beli.
pic yg first masa kt class wat roti.gmbr roti tu yg buat sendiri kt umh..ehhe

okla aku nak tido tomorrow is my 1st day working..wish me luck pple.
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