movies reviews ...'
i can say that drag me to hell movies are not that horror but more like another' scary movie' version of a horror movie..a bit of frustration because i was expecting it would be another scariest movie of the year but it turns out to be a funny horror movie.. the starting seems to be a bit scary but only at the starting point of the movie...i guess the spiderman director should stick to the spiderman movies because he does not make a good horror director.. and i can say that the western can't beat the asian horror movies just yet...
hahehe mmg cerita hantu yg agak hampeh.. storyline yg agak cliche.poster andtrailer je nampak gempak tapi the whole movies is a no no..cerita tu mmg mcm cube nak bg scary tapi xmenjadi..mostly mcm geli jer tapi tak scary..

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