first of all i would like to say thanx to my beloved friends who really appreciate me and never judge me on who and where i come from ,and thank you for being understanding with the situation that im facing... and thanx again for spending such a wonderful time with me.
the place we choose for the trip is cameron highland.. owh by the way its my 1st time to cameron highland after 25 years hahahah funny and malu pun ade sebab tua2 baru nak pergi cameron.. mungkin sbb ayah tak suka travel so aku jarang la travel accept with my frens.
we gathered at zulia's n ejan's house on friday before going of to cameron highland.hmm zaha came to say hye since he cant follow us for the trip. hmm sembang ngan dier sampai lebam adoi mmg la banyak cerita nak cover that nite... so aku tido dlm setengah jam je ari tu..mmg la mata aku macam mata goldfish sbb kurang tido senyum pun dh tak nampak mata. hahahaha

mmg la pening ckit nak sampai atas sana.. pening2 lalat dah aku time tu.. tapi puas ati la sbb sampai atas tu sejuk and excited la tgk tmpat yg cantik ...and of course la mesti minum dulu..hahah sampai saje we stop for a break,a tea break.. the soothing feeling is all over me since u can smell the freshness of the tea and the air was so fresh that u felt like totally in different place.

not to forget enjoy the scenery kat sana mmg worth it...

pic ko tengah minum tu mcm model LIPTON...heheheh...bestnyer tgk korang..mak buyung tu xmabuk2 ker alia?
ReplyDeletehehehe mak buung xmabuk tapi org laen yg mabuk hehehe dier kental =P