hmmm last nite was a totally a date nite between me and my cuzzy... what a borink couple huh?? hahahh since both of us has no date we both when out for a movie..hmm planning to watch light movie just to relax and laugh.. thats what we need at the moment i guess..heheh date movie was the one yang agak ok la.. so we que up to buy the ticket...hmm waited for the reservation ticket to be open sbb most of the seat been taken.. okla tunggu punya tunggu.. sekali jeng jeng.. terserempak dengan aunty and uncle... dan dorang pun tunggu untuk reservation seat jugak.. dan last skali terpaksa la bli skali tiket untuk dorang.. ahahahh adoi la what a nite dah la no dates and terpaksa layan movie with our aunty and uncle hahahah what a day.. its totally a date nite kan eheheh seating next to us its our aunty and uncle.. layannnnn.. =P
neway the movie quite funny ...its about the couple who wanted to do something different in their relationship and ends up with a very adventurest situation where they have to fight the mafia.... worth watching.. hmm owhh mark wahlberg is super HOT in the movie.. =)
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