owhh i ate fortune cookies today.. well the best thing of fortune cookies is where u get to read what inside the cookies.. heheh and my lucky note saying that THE STAR OF RICHES IS SHINING UPON YOU....wowww the star of riches shining upon me ..weheee. this must be gud fortune telling for me hahaah.. im not saying i believe it ..but its fun to read bout it..actually if we want something we have to work for it..and we have to believe in it.. its like the law of attraction u need to belief to get it..currently im trying to belief in it..heheheh it doesnt hurt to try right.. =))
let me see.. hmm belief on getting this for future
1) hmm a soulmate like him =))

2) to get a diamond ring.. it will be better if someone give it to me..tapi kalu x ..bli je la kan hehehe

3) to go to hollywood.. ehhe best la kalu dpt g sane hehehe

oowh actually bnykla.. but list this 3 je la dulu hhehehe
berangan number satu hahahaha tapi kalu belief in it mane tau leh dpt..please keep on shining those stars of rich towards me hehehe
p/s : chad murray sbb baru je tgk one tree hill ... cair hehehe
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