now i know why we shud go to stadium to watch the game..the feeling is so much better than watching from the tv.. ya the vibes is all over.. well its my 1st time layan bola kat stadium.. semangat lebih hehhe.. br tau tiket boleh bli online heheh around 85000 pple were there. and it comes from all races.. suddenly i feel like 1 unity ..yaa sport can make us stand for 1 understanding.. which is our beloved country heheheh..
its my 1st time going to the stadium,when there with 7 of my colleague ..we bought the grand stand ticket so that we can easily find our place to seat.. day before.. we bought the malaysia jersey ,yellow in color.. owhh ya.. plus bought the tatoo of the malasia football logo and stick it at the faces just to show that we are totally excited for this hehehe we park rite at the side of highway near sri petaling, and walk up to the stadium..not that far .. ish mmg excited abis la kan..sbb semua org pegi to support our team.. dengan ada yg bawak anak2 dorang, bendera besar gila just to show support,mcm2 la ada...
aku beriya pergi tengok game qualifiying for world cup.malaysia v/s singapore.. perlawanan yang agak bosan sedikit memandangkan Malaysia main tak macam slalu... so- so je..mungkin over confident.. dari segi passing bola agak bersepah... ok aku bukan la pakar bola...tapi mmg dorang main tendang je.. hmmm aku rasa masalah mereka adalah over confident. skali lagi safee boh satu gol yg agak menarik disitu.. time tu mmg terasa syok budget leh menang.. tapi tak.. takpela mungkin bukan masanya utk kita ke world cup.. tapi goal keeper mmg patut diberi kredit yg melampau-lamapu sebabkan dia berjaya menepis semua bola dengan gayanya.. mmg cantik ar... apek u make us proud hehe all round to this level, i should give a big hand to all the team members, at least our soccer quality have improved and made us to this stage.. cuma next time jgn over confident heheheh tapi aku bangga la jugak atleast semua dari malaysia... tak macam pasukan lawan..setakat bli player tak main ar hehehe
bagi aku singpore team.. totally DRAMA QUEEN..mngkin lagik teruk dari drama queen.. asyik2 nak jatuh and berlakon konon2 sakit.. tipu gila.main mcm hampeh... ko dpt 1 gol tu pon sbb nasib.. haish tolong la dengan kebolehan ko drama tu takkan bawak ko ke mana- mana la.. hahaha mmg tak tahan dah la matsaleh tua je yg main.. hahah aku rasa mereka sesuai jadi pelakon dari main bola.. tak pun dorang diberi latihan belakon sebelum masuk padang so that they can act in the same time..takde sape2 tnedang ,dia jatuh pastu xnak bangun.. mmg tak patut.. bukan la nak kutuk dorang tapi mmg kenyataan..
okla im totally enjoyed watching the game with all my girlfrens.. thanx to Eliza for buying and redeem the ticket for us.. thanx for planning hehe walopon time balik kena bertolak2 mcm gile..aku tak paham nak kuar daristadium tu pon terhegeh2.. dh la main tolak2.. tu je part paling benci..yg laen ok.. ehhehe..
neway rawrrrrrr for malaysia team..
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