Monday, March 28, 2011

Saturday, March 12, 2011

kata 1 malaysia

bila cakap pasal satu malaysia..semua la kata kita hidup aman damai..tak buyers.. tak prejudis ..tak racist..dan sebagainya.... ok aku paham.. tapi bila kita lihat pasangan itu bukan dari golongan yang sama mula la nak pandang semcm.. hahaha mana perginya 1 malaysia.. ok kejadian ni jd kat aku ...aku nak blik ke kampung halaman..dan kebetulan org ofis aku sekampung.. dan untuk jimat kan kos perjalanan.. kita plan utk tong2.. okla kan.. tapi dia ni lelaki india dan aku melayu... untuk highlight kan yg aku bukan la racist...
sebab lapar nak mati kami stop dekat rnr.. dan g kfc .. dan time tu la aku rasa aku ni seperti alien.. semua org pandang.. rasa macam aku tak pkai baju plak.. mmg pelik dan aku pon rasa terganggu asal ko kene tgk aku mcm nak makan... itu disebabkan aku ngan si dia yg bukan dari bangsa yg sama.. adoi mmg la pelik... aku pon tak paham la... bila pemikiran ni nak brubah.. dh2 la..ape pon mmg la lawak dan agak awkward sbb pada aku ini atas dasar nak save budget dan dasar kawan.. bukan la atas dasar laen...globalisasi sudah tapi org kita adakah pemikiran masih di takuk yg sama??

hahahah pelik la... kalu nak pandang pon jgn la so obvious ..

ps: aku suka la lelaki tinggi please... ade ke kena mengena ngan topic di atas hehehehe

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

my department

motivasi aku untuk ke ofis adalah... kawan2 training aku.. ok mmg busy time keje.. tapi part paling best lunch cause that is the time yg we can talk like no body business... gossip plus catching up with everyone... ya that is my motivation...currently im trying to like what im doing.. sbb aku rase dengan mastering benda ni aku dah ade skill and i really need those skill in the future.. i would say after 3 months in the office.. its full of ups and down.. my boss is very2 workaholic.. not like me .. aku ni jenis masa perlu dibahagi sama rata fun n work.. kena separate.. aku xnak la life aku mcm aku kawin ngan keje je kan.. k thats not the point.. the point is.. aku rase dia sangat bersemangat ..hmm aku suke sebebnarnye tgk dier keje ..she knows everything, and remembers everything.. not like me aku ni kadang2 blur.. and masih lagik tengah belajar menghafal numbers for invoice,delivery etc... masih terkial2 .. dan masih perlu focus untuk menghafal dengan lebih baik.. heheheh my colleague pon agak sempoi.. they help me alot and very down to earth.. mmg senang dapat info from them and even mintak tolong pon xsusah ..semua pon mcm sgt bermurah hati utk ajar.. terharu hehehe hmm cara aku tulis mcm aku excited.. tapi sebenarnyr xla excited sgt.. tapi mcm still lagik motivate to learn and not to give up at the starting point.
my job scope currently is doing the forecasting and planning. this is the critical part since u need to order the number of car every month.. im kinda slow in learnign the flow since its kinda complicated.. but im getting to it...alhamdulillah with the help of Ash since im taking over his place as he have to move on to another section..he did guide me on the things to be colleague Mr.Don also helps me alot hahah i love working with him actually cause he is funny ahaha plus his like pioneer in the department after my bos.. so i guess he knows more than i do.. haahha
my admin is quite talkative..and at the wrong time hahaha .. kelakar kot sbb time aku busy la dier nak bercerita..kadang2 xdengar pon sbb aku tgh nak abis kan keje.. but i do gave the respond jugak sbb tak sampai ati.. tapi okla ade gak la org nak ckp kn time2 bosan heheh honey and yang is another colleague of mine.. honey is very jovial type and dayang is very soft spoken heheh both of them welcome me during my 1st day at my department ..=)) terharu gak la hehehe.. okla.. i guess i need to start loving my job so taht i wont stress myself....